Time Activity
08:30 AM Review
  • Seeing code through full stack eyes - peek at 6 languages
  • Pick up the keys
  • HTML elements review
    • textarea
    • radio
    • checkbox
    • table colspan
    • form action, method
    • img and a together
  • CSS and preprocessor mention
    • Parent Child
    • Selector for more than 1 class on a single element
    • Selector for multiple elements
    • Units (px, %, em, etc.)
  • Javascript
    • Array (push, pop, splice, join)
    • setTimeout and threads of execution
    • $
    • selector syntax mirrors css
    • function definition, calling and reference
    • interpreted vs. compiled
    • Java is not Javascript
    • comparison operators !=, ==, <, >, <=, >=, ===, !==
    • browser as a container
    • for(var p in obj) { console.log(obj[propertyName]); }
    • case sensitivity
    • dynamic binding with on()
    • variable data types
      • number (int or float)
      • boolean
      • string
      • date
      • array
      • object
    • events
      • focus
      • blur
      • keypress
      • keydown
      • change
      • click
      • dblclick
      • hover
      • mouseenter, mousemove, mouseleave
    • methods (functions that belong to objects)
      • eq
      • attr
      • remove
      • trigger
      • addClass
      • removeClass
    • $(this)
    • define a method
    • redefine a method
    • "callback" examples
      • inline function definitions
      • pass function variable
10:00 AM $.ajax and API usage
Lunch Break (12-1PM)
01:00 PM Ajax and APIs
  • More Ajax and APIs
  • Voter API
  • Excercises